Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 6: Voice of our Generation

Our generation has seen changes that can't even be imagined by our parents or grandparents. The developments in technology have advanced so rapidly even our generation has trouble keeping up with the change with new products seemingly coming out weekly.
We are the generation that shifted into this new age where computers have replaced books and newspapers, where communication between countries can travel instantly, where its no longer hard to find out what's going on in other parts of the world. We are a generation focused on technology and social media. The Internet provides us with endless amounts of entertainment and information. With this, we grow up multitasking and also growing bored easily. Another curse of our generation is we have been desensitized from all the things we see in society or even on television. Growing up watching reruns of law and order or CSI can do that to a child’s mind. And also cause nightmares.
One of the biggest influences on our generation continues to be a big part of many lives. Harry Potter has crossed generations with its books, films, and other media but it's very close to our generation because we are the first ones who grew up with it. We have been there every step of the way, the books continued to come out as we grew up with the characters. We grew as they did. They are the ones who lead us into adulthood.
To be honest, I grew up with fantasy books focusing in other world rather than our own because I wanted to escape into them. I watched cartoons based on superheroes and magic. The TV shows that were realistic tended to be crime shows where they almost always caught the bad guy. I want to say that reflects a part of our generation that dreams and imagine of impossible things and gains these perspectives through the variety of different mediums at our grasps. But I know everyone doesn’t share this view. As said previously, with all the information at our fingertips its hard to narrow the list down to anything.

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