Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 13: Remix: Old to New

Remix is a constant part of our culture these days, with examples like the sampling of music into rap or techno or simply rebooting a series. It’s become commonplace that for the most part we thing nothing about it.
It’s become increasing common in the movie and television industry. In the last few years we have 3 separate remixes of Sherlock Holmes; one movie franchise with two movies, one television reboot from BBC, and then another one from CBS an American studio. How is that all of these can be successful but still draw from the same inspiration. That’s just how reboots work often-twisting things to work better in a modern day setting or for a wider audience range. 
Sherlock, the BBC show is a modern adaptation with little changes to the otherwise. All of the characters have similar motives as they did in the original series puss or minus a few changes to have them be more acceptable to the audience. The most that changes about this adaptation is the melding to modern technology and this century’s society.

Elementary on the other hand takes a lot more risks with its remix of the old and melding it also with modern day society. Sherlock remains similar to his past if not just a bit more rude but John Watson is no longer a man and is not a woman named Joan. Other changes have been made in contrast to the other reboot. The setting takes place in a modern day New York City. Other changes include Mrs. Hudson no longer being this old lady but know a much young transgender woman. One of the biggest plot twists on the show involves Sherlock Holmes long time archenemy Moriarty and his love interest Irene Adler. Needless to say if it hasn’t become quite obvious, I much prefer Elementary to its British counterpart.
Their remix don’t just go the simple rout of just modernizing it they, in the great words of Miss Fizzle “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” And that’s the simple truth.

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